Posts by Fame

    Date: 23.06.2021


    - Added 4th Frontbase War: Sodom

    - Added new Maps:

    -- Secret Base

    -- NGC Military Hangar

    -- Sodom

    -- Hazle Research Center

    --- Monsters may drop 30%-50% Enchant Chance Cards

    - Improved Sound Engine

    -- Added Option to Mute Background Music

    --- Added Shortcut CTRL+M to toggle Background Music

    -- Added Option to Mute Sound Effects

    --- Added Shortcut CTRL+N to toggle Sound Effects

    -- Added Option to set the amount of Sound Channels

    --- Users can now set the maximum amount of sounds played simultaneously based on their computers performance

    --- Sound crackling issues can be stopped by changing this option


    - Fixed an issue causing a crash of the Arena Server during logout of users

    - Fixed rendering specific types of effects

    - Fixed an issue where the running time of NGC SPs is not marked red in specific condition

    - Fixed an issue where hologram card may cause sound spam when having the inventory opened

    - Fixed an issue where the movement animation of players in the city stopped too late

    - Fixed the incorrect highlighting of elements on the NGC Marine Laboratory Minimap


    - Change Outpost cycle time to 12 days

    -- Changed Outpost times so all 3 days one outpost will appear

    - Improved the gear synchronisation and lag compensation

    -- Predict movement for players with throttling network


    - Tweaked and adjusted the target elements when locking into a Monster

    -- Ensure centered position of all elements of the Monster Lock-On UI

    -- Ensure correct scaling with based on FOV

    - Quest objectives like Kill/Drop are now marked green when completed

    - Quest objectives like Kill/Drop are now shown above a monster if it's a target for this quest

    - Added "Collect All" button to the "My Item" Tab of the Trade Center

    - Reload/Search buttons of the Trade Center is now shown disabled during the interaction timeout

    - Reload button of the Return Auction is now shown disabled during the interaction timeout

    Date: 11.06.2021

    Automatically updated with client restart


    - Fixed an issue where the rolling animation of other gears might end in a 480° roll

    - Fixed an issue where other gears might jump forward/backward with throttling network

    - Specific events now reset correctly during a Monster Server reset

    - Fixed an issue in the serverside map assignment of users


    - Improved the gear synchronization and lag compensation

    -- Improved behavior for Players with throttling network

    -- Improved behavior on slow movements

    Date: 09.06.2021

    Automatically updated with client restart


    - Improved the gear synchronisation and lag compensation

    -- Increased synchronisation rate

    -- More accurate gear rotations of enemies

    Date: 02.06.2021

    Automatically updated with client restart


    - Modding supports model replacements for effects

    -- Increases compatibility with existing mods

    -- Already converted mods are still compatible


    - Fixed an issue where boss spawn notifications of channel 1+ would not be displayed

    - Fixed an exploit where GBM rockets would fly without hitting the target

    - Fixed an issue where dying in specific conditions would place you on the maps border

    - Fixed an issue causing nametags to be viewable in warzone

    - Fixed an issue causing gears not to lose speed as penalty for rolling

    - Fixed an issue where buying an item in the trade center might result in crashes

    - Fixed an issue where messageboxes on the login screen caused a crash

    - Fixed an issue where bullets/rockets from enemies originated all from the same position


    - Improved the gear synchronisation and lag compensation

    -- More accurate gear positions of enemies

    -- More accurate rocket chasing during high-speed fights

    - Gears on FFA maps share the same appearance based on their gear type

    Date: 28.05.2021


    - Combat/Safe Channel Maps

    -- Provide the same map with a combat zone such as safe zones

    -- Channel 0 (Combat Zone) available for both nations

    -- Remaining channels (Safe Zones) are equally separated between ANI/BCU


    - Monster Server boots up significantly faster

    -- Faster Monster spawn in the first batch


    - Fixed an issue with the LMS and LNS participant detection

    - Fixed unloading all boss marks on the minimaps when Monster Server restarts

    - Fixed an issue causing Conquest Cores not to spawn

    - Fixed an issue where Conquest Cores could softlock in specific conditions

    - Fixed an issue causing nametags to be viewable in Warzone

    - Fixed an exploit allowing to see enemy names in Warzone


    - Merged both Watermelon Island maps into one containing 1 Combat Zone and 2 Safe Zones for each nation

    - Extended Barrenland with 1 Safe Zone for each nation

    - Added regular Defense and Evasion Cards to Nubark Cave Goldie Monsters

    - Added missing Safe Zones to Redline, Sunken City and Crystal Cave

    - Reduced respawn time of Watermelon X Boss


    - Improved On-The-Fly updates allowing more game elements to be changed

    Date: 21.05.2021


    - Added Nation War Event

    -- ANI/BCU Respawn Counter on one map

    -- Instant teleport available on most maps

    -- Nation wins if the opponent nations respawn counter reaches 0

    -- Will be handled by our Event Manager in the beginning

    - Added Last Nation Standing

    -- Identical amount of ANI/BCU on one map are choose

    -- Players who died are set into a visitor mode until event is over

    -- Nation wins if all opponent nation members are dead

    -- In case if 1 ANI and 1 BCU are left the damage output increases over time

    -- Will be handled by our Event Manager in the beginning

    - Added Last Man Standing

    -- Players who died are set into a visitor mode until event is over

    -- In case if 2 players are left the damage output increases over time

    -- Will be handled by our Event Manager in the beginning

    - Added Summer Event Map


    - Improved memory management when mixing items


    - Fixed an issue causing players not to receive MG COH requests

    - Fixed an issue causing items being misplaced in the trade window

    - Fixed small issues causing crashes in various situations


    - Increased max Itemlevel to search for in Trade Center to 120

    Date: 12.05.2021


    - Added "Play Sound in Background" setting to the Sound Options


    - Fixed an issue causing damage and sound effects playing on AOE attacks of monsters of the same nation

    - Fixed an issue causing weapon sound effect being placed incorrectly in specific conditions


    - Increased max Sound Distance by 75%

    -- Sounds are getting more silent depending on distance


    - Increased requirements for "Reward of Phillon" by 50 kills (Active with next server restart)

    Date: 07.05.2021


    - Reward of Phillon

    -- Now granted unlimited times per day

    -- Adjusted Rewards


    - Improved Iteminfo Text management


    - Disabled Ingame Nation % Tooltip


    - Increased Rewards for winning and participating on Strategic Point

    - Increased Rewards for winning and participating on Mothership

    - Decreased Legendary Edrill Pierce to -10% (was 0%)

    - Edrill are now only usable by IG

    - Increased Big Smash Reattack Time to 490ms (was 450ms)

    - Possible frontbase times set to 18:00, 19:00 and 20:00 o'clock

    - Increased Mothership Teleporter HP


    - Fixed an issue causing MG not receiving fragments from formationmember Kills in specific formation setups

    - Fixed an issue causing assist kills not to be granted in specific situations

    - Conflict Maps are now initalized correctly with nation leader election

    - Fixed an issue caused in incorrect bullet/rocket destroy height in maps with water

    - Fixed an issue allowed to COH players on restricted maps

    - Fixed an issue where subleaders could not use specific items

    - ModConverter is now requesting admin permission to ensure write-permissions


    - Conquest Core War finish instantly if all cores are owned by the same nation

    - Brigade COH Cards are now disabled on Maps with Strategic Point or Mothership

    - Decreased skill delay from changing equiptment to 2 seconds (was 5 seconds)

    - Disabled Elite-Skills in FFA Maps

    - Disabled Hologram Cards in FFA Maps

    - Disabled Leader Buffs in FFA Maps

    - Cannot wear Leader Shields in FFA Maps


    - Decreased Condensed Kit prices in Killmark Shop to 1 Killmark (was 2 Killmark)

    Date: 29.04.2021


    - Replaced Killmark System

    -- Killmarks are gained by killing a enemy gear lv 90 and above

    -- Killmark Fragments are gained by assisting in the takedown

    -- Killmark Fragments are gained passively as MG when formation members gain a Killmark

    -- 7 Killmark Fragments can be combined to a regular Killmark

    -- Killmarks can be exchanged to various items and goodies in the cities Killmark Shop

    -- Players in the same household wont be able to receive Killmarks from each other

    - Mod Converter tool added for easier conversion from existing mods into Sky-Fighter Mods

    -- 1. Move your desired mod .obj files into the Res-Eff/Mod or Res-Obj/Mod folder

    -- 2. Select and Drag&Drop the Mod files into the ModConverter.exe file placed in the same directory.

    -- 3. New folders with content are created if successful - you can delete the .obj mod files afterwards


    - Monster HP Bar now also shows the current HP% value

    - Gift Button is now hidden during flight

    - IF-Items cooldown is now shown more compact


    - Increased base warpoint given by defeated enemy player by 5.


    - Fixed the HD Texture of a Model in Stones Ruins

    - Fixed further issues causing discord cache to be cleaned

    - Fixed a crash caused by IF-Items

    - Gears are now again automatically removed from brigades when being deleted

    - Fixed a issue causing skills having a huge cooldown time after relogging

    - Countdown Command of the nation leader is now properly sent to the corresponding nation.


    - Missions cannot be started/ended while being in PVP

    Date: 23.04.2021


    - Added a #💰daily-reward channel where you can receive once a day free WP/DP by posting .LoveSF

    -- Requires the Discord Account being linked with the Sky-Fighter Account

    -- When the Discord Account is boosting Sky-Fighter Discord Server the rewards are doubled :slight_smile:

    -- Daily Reset is 6:00 o'clock like daily mission


    - Added visual feedback when adding/swapping Skills/Items to the skillbar


    - Rockets/Bullets will now disappear when reaching heights beyond the map limitation


    - Limited the amount of sounds being played when being spammed

    -- Should fix freeze/crash related issues regarding the sound effects

    - Fixed an issue where *MG *formation skill cooldown reset was not applied when being purified in specific situations

    - Fixed various issues in the Discord integration

    -- Linking Sky-Fighter Account with Discord Account should work smooth now

    - Fixed an exploit regarding the camera position

    - Fixed a bug which allowed opening Brigade Warehouse without Membership

    - Fixed an issue loosing current Daily Mission after Server Restart

    - Fixed issues where users may visually appeared with AG barrier effect


    - When recalling an Item in the Trade Center up to 30 minutes after register you get your submitting fee back

    - MG Formation Skill cooldown now persist after relogging

    - The blue Anti-Rocket aura from bosses now also affects rockets being shot from BG ABM/GBM

    - Killing players in Warzone now grants regular WP reward

    - Killing players in Warzone now counts towards the daily PVP counter

    - Killing players in Warzone now refill Bullets/Rockets/SP/Fuel by a small amount.


    - Strategic Point AOE Attack Range reduced by half

    - Legendary Edrill Min/Max Damage increased by 16

    Date: 18.04.2021

    - Legendary Edrill
    -- Probability increased to 105% (was 100%)
    -- Rocket Shoot increased to 1x5 (was 1x4)

    - IG Frenzy increased by 5% Advance Probability and 5% Min/Max Damage
    IG Reduce Damage removed
    IG Overboost cooldown increased to 45 seconds (was 30 seconds)
    - IG Hypermoving booster-speed reduced to 10 m/s (was 20 m/s)

    - BG Ground Bombing Mode increased by 2,5% Pierce and 5% Min/Max Damage
    BG Reduce Damage increased by 5% Shield Damage Reduction
    BG Defense Up increased by 5% Standard Defense



    1. Дозволяється використовувати тільки один акаунт на людину і ПК. Якщо на одному ПК грає більше однієї людини, потрібно зв'язатися з адміністрацією.

    2. Спільне використання і / або продаж акаунтів - заборонені.

    3. Заборонено використання багів, а також будь-які види злому гри.

    4. Використання модів - допустимо, але тільки на ваш страх і ризик. Винятком є моди, які будь-яким чином впливають на ігровий процес.

    5. Використання макросів для заточування предметів / гри в автоматах - допустимо, але тільки на свій страх і ризик. Будь-які інші макроси - заборонені.

    6. Будь-які принизливі, расистські, сексистські або вульгарні повідомлення - заборонені на будь-яких платформах пов'язані з Sky-Fighter. Порушення правила спричинять наслідки. Правило також поширюється на нікнейми персонажів.

    7. Єдиний допустимий мову, дозволений в чаті для лідера, військовому і міжнародному чатах - англійська.

    8. Повідомлення пов'язані з торгівлею допускаються тільки в торговому чаті.

    9. Заборонено видавати себе за адміністрацію Sky-Fighter або видавати себе за нього.

    10. Заборонено рекламувати що-небудь на будь-яких платформах пов'язаних зі Sky-Fighter.

    11. Необхідно прислухатися до прохань адміністрації.

    12. Випрошування у адміністрації ігрових переваг / знижок - може спричинити наслідки.

    13. Якщо є сумніви, чи було порушення правил: остаточне рішення приймає адміністрація.

    14. Правила можуть бути змінені. Про зміни буде оголошено, але гравці зобов'язані регулярно перевіряти наявність змін.

    15. При кожному вході в гру або при знаходженні на будь-якій платформі пов'язаної зі Sky-Fighter - користувач погоджується з правилами і несе повну відповідальність за свій аккаунт.

    Date: 13.04.2021

    - Reduced Tax when submitting items to the Trade Center to 0.5% (was 4%)
    - Reduced Tax when taking money from sold items in the Trade Center to 3% (was 5%)
    - Reduced AG Shield Paralyze duration to 20 seconds (was 30 seconds)
    - Reduced the HP of Laboratory Container in NGC Marine Laboratory significantly
    - Increased the HP of Eater in Floating Lake
    - Increased the HP of Death Worm in Lost Oasis
    - Reduced respawn duration of monsters in Hidden Space Station
    - Reduced respawn duration of monsters in G-ARK Exploration
    - Goldie monsters can now also spawn from stationary monsters

    Date: 12.04.2021


    - Added a notification when sold an item on the Trade Center successfully

    - Improved the Trade Center Item Search

    -- Search is more precise

    -- Can search for specific Fixes now

    - Increased amount of saved chat messages

    - Boss Radar now shows the channel a boss is spawning in

    - Faved items cannot be sold directly anymore

    - Changed the position of the MG Skill "Release" in the Skill-List

    - Texture Quality cannot be changed outside the city any more (restart required)

    - When appointing a Subleader the character need to accept it first


    - Fixed an issue in the damage calculation prioritizing Min/Max Damage and causing Defense Gears receiving more damage as intended.

    -- Caused Defense Gears to almost never receive 1 Damage Hits even when the opponent wasn't pierce-skilled.

    - Fixed Lagbombing exploit

    - Fixed an exploit allowing to move during rolling

    - Fixed an exploit regarding teleports during mothership

    - Fixed an issue where the timer for remaining SP time didn't refresh

    - Fixed the model height of other characters in the City

    - Fixed issues where Debuff didn't disappear completely

    - Fixed a crash of the Game Launcher

    - Fixed an issue where AG couldn't attack when they entered Air Siege

    - Fixed an issue of the Inactivity detection

    - Fixed an issue where not-trashable items could be trashed

    - Fixed an issue where the System Message windows content went invisible

    - Fixed an issue where Bazaar Log stopped updating when full

    - Fixed an issue causing specific Radar Range buffs being ignored after login

    - Fixed an issue of the Discord integration causing it to lose caching

    - Fixed an issue where the User Amount couldn't be set when creating an Arena Room

    - Fixed the sorting by Level in the Brigade User List

    - Fixed an issue when appointing a Subleader

    - Fixed an issue where nobody to receive a reward in specific situations when killing a Boss

    - Fixed a crash when loading monster on map


    - Increased Monster Spawn density in Hidden Space Station

    - Added 5 new Goldie-Monsters to Hidden Space Station

    -- Containing identical Drops as Brog Uruk from Barrenland

    - Increased Monster Spawn density in G-ARK Exploration

    - Added 5 new Goldie-Monsters to G-ARK Exploration

    -- Containing identical Drops as Brog Uruk from Barrenland

    - AG can now roll after Air Siege by having A/D buttons pressed while cancelling the Skill

    - Cannot use the b-enter state while rolling

    -- Also prevents to change equipment during rolling

    - Enabled Skillmatch Mode in Arena

    -- Fight against others with precreated gears

    - Boss Monster now spawn randomized instead of fix timed

    - Everyone is guaranteed to get at least one Trophy of Bosses if enough damage was made


    - Shield for Nation Leader now grants 5.000 Shield and 5.000 Energy (was 10.000 Shield before)

    - Added Shield for Nation Subleader 1 which grants 3.000 Shield and 3.000 Energy

    - Added Shield for Nation Subleader 2 which grants 2.000 Shield and 2.000 Energy

    - Evasion Up and Defense Up are now cancelled when changing Armors

    - When changing equipment cancelled skills cannot be reused for 5 seconds

    - MG Release Skill cannot be used to remove PVP Debuffs anymore

    - Decrease MG Release Skill to 20 seconds (was 1 minute)

    - BG invisibility block during PVP decreased to 1 second (was 5 seconds)

    - Added AG camouflage block during PVP for 1 second

    - Added an additional 4% Tax when submitting items to the Trade Center

    -- Purpose is to reduce the item spam with unreasonable pricing


    - Removed multiple Hologram Card of small monsters

    - Added "Dual Safeguard of the Gods (5H)" to Donate Shop

    Date: 09.03.2021

    - A-Gear Barrier Skill does not reset cooldown after death.

    Date: 11.03.2021

    - Spawn-Protection now only occurrs when a user respawns on a map with SP being active and having the same nation as the map (or if it is a Double SP)

    - Debuffs from Monsters are now correctly removed when expiring or cleaned with release

    Date: 12.03.2021

    - AG Fire Shot Min/Max Damage reduced by 3%
    - AG Air Siege Min/Max Damage increased by 3%
    - AG Barrier runtime decreased by 3 seconds

    Date: 24.03.2021

    - AG Fire Shot Min/Max Damage reduced by 6%
    - AG Snare Shot cooldown increased to 3 minutes
    - AG Shield Paralyze cooldown increased to 5 minutes

    - BG Advanced Tackle Veil V1 Defense increased by 2%

    - Nation Leader Brigade Buffs for owning Outposts were been adjusted to the same bonus as Outpost Owners have

    Date: 08.03.2021

    - Adding DPI Awareness allowing players who use windows scaling to decide if their game should be upscaled by the OS or not (Check info button for further information)

    - Tweaked Partner Skill placing into Skill Socket
    - Pet Socket rectable sizes (for inserting) fixed
    - Market/Ranking/Listbox selected item is now shown in Bold
    - Changed Trade Center message boxes when registering items for easier double checking.

    - AGs cannot initiate landing when hovering over a monster
    - AGs cannot place on the "ground" of maps without ground like Chaos and Fantasy flow.
    - Hypergambles are now tradeable
    - Increased Conquest Core Warpoint reward
    - When a downgrade fails it wont go down 2 enchant anymore in special conditions.
    - Added Infinity Field Drop auto accept option (Misc Category)

    - Added Stat Change Card to Donate Shop
    - Moved Stat Reset Card and Part Reset Card to Part Shop
    - Added combined charms (5H) to Donate Shop
    - Added fallback to base resolution if selected resolution is not available
    - Fixed Leader Election List
    - Fixed Crashes when using Textboxes
    - Fixed Hackshield false positives
    - Fixed Tradecenter responsiveness
    - Fixed Tradecenter auctionlist
    - Fixed Whisperchat scrollwheel area
    - Fixed character caching update when relogging
    - Fixed font refresh on update
    - Fixed PET Socket spam causing various issues
    - Added missing Level check of warp portals
    - Fixed Crashes when inserting items to Trade Center or Laboratory
    - Tradecenter keeps enchantcount when equiptment was sold
    - Fixed HP Balance Bar when relogging into a map with NGC SP or CC
    - Fixed Blessing of Deca regeneration
    - Attempt to fix dead formations
    - Fixed Mission Master rewards
    - Fixed Tradecenter max enchant filter

    - Remastered the remaining Music/Voice tracks

    - Tweaked Leader Election Discord Notification