Version: ->
- Nation Balance System
-- Dynamic Nation strenght calculation all 30 Minutes
-- Provides scaled PVP-Buff for the inferior Nation
-- Killing SP level 11 and higher provides a victory PVP-Buff for the stronger Nation
- Overworked Formation System
-- New Formation System Messages
-- Additional checks of Formation Flight Mode
- Overworked Interface Initalization
- Improved Multithreading of 3D Model Loading
- Overworked Skill System
- Improved several internal systems
- Removed several deprecated parts and cleanup
- Improved Network handling of several Packets
- Overworked 3D Model Management
- Improved Memory Management
- Improved Dissolution System
- Improved Image Network Transfer
- Improved Loading system on Mapchange
- "Charged Protectors" cannot be target from the own nation.
- Fixed several server issues/crashes
- Fixed several client issues/crashes
- Fixed Formation Skill description
- Fixed multiple memory leaks
- Fixed a clientside issue not refreshing HP/DP/SP/EP
- Fixed a render issue in the Select Mode
- Fixed a multithreading issue resulting in crashes
- Fixed an issue blocking the Formation Flight
- Fixed an issue where engine stats were been not refreshed correctly
- Fixed an issue when using charms in specific conditions
- Fixed usage of Gamma/Contrast settings
- Fixed Object rendering when Hologram Card is active
- Fixed Formation Damage sharing
- Fixed a issue where the wrong Damage Value is shown as calculated
- Fixed notification when entering Infinity Field
- Whisper chat messages are now wrapped correctly
- Main chat text is now highlighted when selected
- No channel request anymore when only one Channel is available
- Fixed issue where Contour Collection could not be updated
- Fixed an issue where Item Icons are shown too small in specific conditions
- Fixed several object generation and destroy
- Fixed Auction Center initalization
- Fixed Auction Center Currency Image Position
- Fixed an issue where Enchanted Items disappear in specific conditions
- Fixed the towning behaviour on relogging on specific maps
- Fixed the shops in "Ash Lane"
- Fixed an issue where hyper fixes are shown with white color in specific conditions
- Fixed usage of skills with doubleclick
- "Reduce Damage" Skill is now affected on the visual damage output
- Formation Skills are now given with 6 or more players in a formation flight
- Nation/Brigade COH cannot be used on players which are in fight
- "Reduce Damage" Skill Effect is now split into primary and secondary weapon
- "Air Bombing Mode" has now 80% Shield Reduce Ignore effect
- Increased Main Chat Size
- Fixed "Auction Finish" Message
- Worldranking is now closing on takeoff
- Throwing away a Enchanted Equiptment is now shown in red text
- Overworked Item Name generation
- Added "Character Name Change Card" to "Warpoint Shop" and "Donate Shop"
- Overworked Formation System Messages
- Tweaked Ping Frequency
- Dead and falling Monsters collides now with 3d Models