Version: ->
- Improved threading of On-The-Fly Updates
- Improved Guildmark handling
- Overworked Server Database Framework
- Overworked Scan Skill/Items
- Improved 3D Model convertion
- Upgraded the compiler
- Cleanup unused functions
- Improved several functions
- Updated Cryption Enviroment
- RGA [Random Give Away] System added
- Boss Armor System added
- Killmark Shop added
- Dogtag System added
- DP [Donate Point] are now given to a random time
- B-Gear Invisible block time after PvP reduced to 5 seconds
- Removed the 30 seconds delay after changing the Item outside the city
- Added Skill "Charge Shot" Level 7 with 2200%+ Atk. and 75%+ Distance
- Added Skill "Big Boom" Level 7 with 20 minute cooldown
- Added Skill "Big Boom" Level 8 with 15 minute cooldown
- Changed Echelon mission to group mission
- Changed Guardian of the Vattalus mission to group mission
- Increased dropchance of EP3-Boss-Armors out of Boss-Trophys
- Added "Brog Uruk" to "Barrenland"
- Added M-Gear exclusive Item copy "Deserve" of "Miracle Chocolate [7 Days]"
- Increased "DemonGatling" Range up to 1600
- Increased "Peacemaker" Range up to 1800
- Improved Effect of "[Adv. Weapon Effect] Phoenix"
- Improved Effect of "[Adv. Weapon Effect] Lightning"
- Fixed false positive debugging attempt
- Fixed 3D Model convertion crash
- Fixed Reflection behaviour in Select mode
- Fixed Socket Item Inventory behaviour
- Fixed Item handling and deleting
- Skillbar do refresh now correct after relog
- Added missing reward on defended MS[Mothership] war
- Fixed System Window Render
- Fixed Auction End notification
- Fixed visible marks while being invisible
- Fixed Contour Collection updating on armor change
- Fixed rendering of Time in Shops
- Fixed Leader Items provide/delete
- Fixed an exploit in the Daily Mission System
- Fixed mission "[DM] Infinamite and hunt"
- Fixed Ground Colission Detection on "Pandea A Point"
- Fixed Ground Colission Detection on "Pandea B Point"
- Fixed effect animation of "Emerald Turtle Defender"
- Fixed effect of explosion state of "First Thunder Veil"
- Fixed effect of explosion state of "First Sentry Defender"
- Fixed effect of explosion state of "First Mark Guarder"
- Fixed effect of explosion state of "First Strike Binder"
- Overworked time render of Item Info
- Overworked time render of Armor Collection
- Changed Gear Type rendering in Item Info
- Changed Level rendering in Item Info
- Removed swift cards from Donate Shop
- Added "Boss Instant Upgrade Nanocapsule" to Donate Shop
- Added "Hyper Enchant Item Protect Card [E17]" to Donate Shop
- Added Skill "Charge Shot" Level 7 to Skill Shop
- Added Skill "Big Boom" Level 7 to Skill Shop
- Added Skill "Big Boom" Level 8 to Skill Shop
- Added "[Partner Contour] Mihu" to Weapon Contour Shop
- Added "[Partner Contour] Violet" to Weapon Contour Shop
- Improved alternative crash handler